Full-Stack Software Development

Satoshi Feedback

My Role
Software Developer
July 2021 - Present

The current methods which businesses use to seek customer and employee feedback make zero sense. Why should your customers and employees waste their time providing feedback to you, for nothing in return? Businesses constantly send out forms/questions seeking feedback, then don't understand why no one replies... It's pretty obvious, isn't it? They have no incentive to reply. It violates the most basic principle of marketing, and indeed human nature: reciprocity.

With the Bitcoin Lightning Network, this problem can finally be solved by fixing the incentive misalignment problem which currently exists. Using Satoshi Feedback, businesses micropay customers and employees to receive the structured feedback they need. They can then use our beautiful custom analytics and reports to glean insights into that data.

By fixing this incentive misalignment problem, businesses should expect to see an exponential increase in click through and conversion rates on their feedback/survey links.

Current feedback methods fail because the data is biased with people that either hate, or love, your product. So that feedback is useless - you need feedback from the middle segment of your users. With Satoshi Feedback, businesses can finally engage effectively with this middle segment.

With the rise of social networks, the world saw the widespread adoption of instant gratification at the social layer. Now, thanks to the Lightning Network, the world is about to see an explosion of applications around instant gratification at the payments layer. Money is now information, and that information is instant, immutable, completely decentralised, and unstoppable.

Satoshi Feedback will be launching in August 2021. Contact Nathan Reidy via nathanjreidy@gmail.com or +61434379345 if you would like to find out more or become a beta tester. Beta testers will receive a free life time subscription (along with free money for providing valuable feedback!)